Our Impact Reports

Highlights of our achievements in the year 2022

Gender and Protection

Gender Equality and Equity


men out of the 7765 men engaged in awareness sessions and dialogues on balanced gender division of labour reported to be involved in domestic work at home


women out of 93456 women who participated say they are now participate in decision making in their families.


women refugees became leaders on Refugee Welfare  Committees in Kyaka and Rwamwanja settlements.  


Men and 12364 Boys engaged in gender equality  dialogues.

Child Protection achievements


Parents learnt how to recognize signs of abuse in children, 343 said they have created a safe home environment for their children.


Children in communities and schools able to recognize potential child protection risks, 342 sought for assistance at
school, and are 121 are strong champions for child rights, child safety and security at school and in the communities.


teachers integrating child protection in their teaching activities. 28 school Administrators with skills for ensuring safe school environments


child protection committees trained and supported to promote child protection in their communities as well as identify and report child protection cases.

Community Based Protection achievements


persons reached with community protection awareness messages


CPCs, 123 RWCs, and 12 community help desk assistants equipped with knowledge and skills to effectively identify, report,

Sexual and Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response achievements


persons reached with SGBV awareness messages


women and girls have better understanding of SGBV and are taking positive actions to protect themselves from SGBV and are breaking silence to report SGBV incidents they face in their families, communities and workplaces.


Community Protection Committees taking action to prevent and respond to SGBV challenges in their communities. CPCs identified and reported 1453 SGBV incidences during the year.


law enforcement officers and 50 community policing personnel; as well as 123 community leaders and 45 cultural leaders and 34 religious leaders equipped with knowledge on SGBV prevention, investigation, and support for survivors, with a focus on human rights and gender sensitivity.

Social Cohesion, Peaceful Co-existence and Peaceful Conflict Resolution


women, 3243 youth and5674 children participated in music galas for Social Cohesion, Peaceful Co-existence and Peaceful Conflict Resolution


women, 4243 youth and8677 children participated in sports galas for Social Cohesion, Peaceful Co-existence and Peaceful Conflict Resolution.


refugee women and 334 host community women were equipped with skills in conflict prevention and resolution. This enabled 345 refugees and 234 host community members participated in com- munity dialogues to resolve natural resource sharing conflicts.

Special Interest Groups - Persons with Special Needs achievements


people PSNs / EVIs including the elderly, PWD, People with chronic illness, marginalized groups and child headed house-holds participated in the meetings and were to raise their voices on issues that concern them.


PSNs supported to access food/cash assistance and shelter as well as health healthcare. During the year AWYAD supported special interest groups or individuals with special needs with targeted interventions to ensure their access to equal opportunities and inclusion in society.

Accountability to Affected Populations


Complaints received and handled during the year

Education and Skills Development

Inclusive Education achievements


teacher equipped with knowledge and skills that enabled them deliver quality teaching ensuring inclusion of all learners and leaving no learner behind. All the 28 schools supported by AWYAD have adopted the inclusive education and project based learning approaches. This adaptation has allowed children with disabilities to access education on par with their peers.


children supported with scholastic materials such as books, pens,pencils colours etc


teenage mothers who haddropped out of school re-enrolled back to school.


teenage mothers able to learn with their babies at school. Safe spaces for breastfeeding established in schools.


Teenage pregnant girls able to break off time from school to go for Antenatal Care and after get remedial learning from the teaching assistants to enable them catch up with the rest.


children with disabilities who were referred received assistive devises; 19 received eye glasses, 10 received hearing aids and 30 children received mobility aids.


children participated in sports and play activities, including 234 children with disabilities.


primary schools supported with sports and play materials to enable them create engaging and dynamic play environment within schools.3435 children participated in music, dance and drama activities, including 655 children with disabilities. 28 primary schools supported with Music, Dance and Drama equipment and costumes to enable them express themselves through art within schools.


Income Generating Activities achievements


vulnerable households to start micro -businesses. We also supported 24 groups to start small scale enterprises in kyaka II and Rwamwanja

Food & Cash Assistance for Refugees achievements


refugees assisted to access food and cash rations in a timely and dignified manner. These included 42,759 PSNs

Financial Inclusion achievements


households were food secured and able to have diversified nutritious diets.


women and youth included in the financial system thus improving their economic stability and empowering them to plan for their financial future.

Energy achievements


households adopted use of energy-efficient cooking stoves

Environment achievements


trees planted in schools,refugee communities and flood affected communities. 80 community environmental protection committees equiped with skills on enviromental protection

Water Sanitation & Hygiene

Hygiene and Sanitation in Schools achievements


primary schools As a result of proper sanitation and hygiene practices, the overall health and well-being of learners and staff in these schools improved. Reduced disease transmission and a decrease in illness- related absenteeism contributed to a more conducive learning environment.


adolescent girls empowered with knowledge. Girls gained a deeper understanding of their own bodies and menstrual health, which not only reduced fear and stigma but also improved their overall well-being.

85% Enhanced School Attendance.

Enhanced school attendance as a result of access to reusable pads and knowledge on proper MHM, girls were better equipped to manage their menstruation with confidence. This led to an 85% increase school attendance and reduced absenteeism rates during their menstrual cycles.well-being.

96% boosted in girls’ confidence

The training sessions empowered girls with confidence in handling their menstrual hygiene, which had a positive impact on their self-esteem and overall self-assuredness.

Community Health

Community-Based Mental Health & Psychosocial Support achievements


community members received psycho-education and awareness messages


teachers integrating MHPSS into their teaching work and promoting healing classroom environments


teachers integrating MHPSS into their teaching work and promoting healing classroom environments


children improved their mental health and psycho-wellbeing through group therapy sessions 1743 individuals CBT sessions


women prisoners improved their mental health & pscho- wellbeing through CBT sessions


children from the remand home improved their mental health & psycho-wellbeing through CBT sessions


women in the communities improved their mental health & psycho-wellbeing through group counseling sessions.

Community-Based Sexual & Reproductive Health achivements


adolescents empowered with information and knowledge to make right sexual and reproductive health choices.


women, youth and adolescents received family planning and contraceptive services through our community referral system.


women and pregnant teenagers received ANC and PNC services through our community referral system.


dolescent girls enjoying adolescent life as a result of good menstrual health attained through participation in MHM knowledge and skills sessions

Emergency Response

Mbale floods response achievements


flood devasted households assisted with WASH items (jerricans, buckets & water purification tablets)


flood devasted households assisted ith beddings (mattresses ,blankets & mosquito nets)


flood devasted households assisted with iron sheets

Strengthening Community Resilience in the Face of Ebola Outbreak achievements


Individuals reached with the risk communication massages on Ebola in Kyegegwa & Mubende Districts

Hygiene and sanitation achievements


health facilities supported to improve Sanitation and hygiene standards


Ebola affected household members provided with Psychosocial first aid 101 child-headed families supported to access basic needs & alternate care arrangements


children experiencing distress provided with phychosocial firstaid by teachers


Supported with indoor & outdoorplay materials to boost childrens well-being


Individuals received inter-personal group therapy

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